Article by Web Design Express
Looking for a way to bring more visitors to your blog? You can try every promotion technique and trick, but good content is the surest way to gain – and keep – readers. If your blog posts aren’t interesting and useful, you won’t hold the attention of any visitor for very long.
Take some time to visit some of your favorite blogs. Odds are they have one thing in common: They inform you with interesting, relevant articles.
So if you want to drive more traffic to your blog, you’ll need to do the same thing. And even if you’re not a writer, there are some simple tricks that will help you create blog posts that will interest and inform your visitors.
KNOW YOUR TOPIC: This is one of the most important things when writing blog posts. If you don’t understand your topic, you’ll have a hard time conveying information about it to your readers. If you’re new to blogging, pick a topic that really resonates with you. Do you have a hobby you enjoy? Are you passionate about a particular cause? Find something meaningful, and you’ll never have a problem developing topic ideas for your blog posts.
KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE: Almost every topic has subsets within it. If, for example, you want to blog about fashion, consider whether you want to write about fashion for teen girls, hip urban moms, professional women, college men or toddlers and infants. Narrow your topic down so that you have a basic understanding of the demographics of your audience. Then make sure your posts are focused on that audience. It’s probably not a good idea to write an article about new baby shoes in your fashion blog if you usually focus on college-aged men.
USE KEYWORDS: Keyword rich content will help your blog posts get noticed by people surfing the Internet for your topic. If your blog is about model airplanes, don’t waste a post rambling about your last vacation to Tahiti. Instead, focus the content and use keywords so that random Internet searchers will stumble upon your blog. Most bloggers get a lot of traffic from web searches, so keywords are vital to hooking these readers.
KEEP IT SHORT: In today’s information age, no one wants to read a novel online. We want our information short and quick. Because of this, you’ll need to avoid rambling in your blog posts if you want to keep your readers’ interest. If you have a lot of quality information about a particular subject, consider splitting your blog article into two or three different posts. Not only will it keep the posts short, but you’ll also get repeat visitors when readers return to read the second and third part of the article.
SET A TONE: Do you like to keep things light and funny? Does your topic dictate a more serious style of writing? Find a tone or style of writing and keep it consistent throughout your blog. It’s fine to deviate every once in a while – perhaps you’re usually serious, but something tickled your funny bone that day. But in most cases, it’s best to stick with the overall tone of the topic so your blog visitors know what to expect.
INFORM, ENTERTAIN OR DO BOTH: Most blogs do one or the other. Some do both. You need to provide content that readers find useful. Otherwise, they have no use for their blog. Imagine what you’d want to read in a blog about your topic, and use that to generate ideas for articles.
Creating interesting, readable posts will help drive more traffic to your blog. Keep your articles fairly short, know your audience and strive to provide good, usable information.